I firmly believe that you should be deeply infatuated with your business website. You should want to show it off like a new parent showing off baby pictures.
It feels like you
When you look at your website, you should feel like it emanates the things you love most about yourself and your business. Your website shouldn’t be another mask you hide behind. The imagery, text, and overall feel of your website should resonate with you wholeheartedly (even if there are only a few pictures of you).
You feel confident sharing it
Feeling ashamed to share your domain is probably the number one reason people don’t use their website to grow their business. If you can’t confidently share your website how can it help you succeed?? Is the information up to date? Are the links active? Is there helpful information that is going to help your customers make buying decisions they feel confident about?
It radiates value and competence
Your website should have layers of value built into it. This means addressing your customer’s struggles and showing them you have a solution that will work for them. Explain your process so they can feel confident in the methods you use. Show examples and provide social proof so customers can feel good about going into business with you. Lastly, provide free resources that serve your audience to build trust.